RYA Powerboating and Safety Boat
We can offer the following at BLS:
Powerboat Level 1 (PB1)
1 day minimum
Sat and/or Sun 0900 1800
Aim 6 hours afloat
Remainder classroom theory
Course content as per current RYA syllabus
Powerboat Level 2 (PB2)
1 weekend
Friday evening 1800 2200
Sat & Sun 0900 1800
Aim 10 12 hours afloat
Remainder classroom theory
Course content as per current RYA syllabus
Note: You will need a recent passport photo for the certificate card on successful completion of this course
Safety Boat (SB)
1 weekend
Friday evening 1800 2200
Sat & Sun 0900 1800
Aim 10 - 12 hours afloat
Remainder classroom theory
Course content as per current RYA syllabus
Pre-requisite will to be attained PB2 and have built up hours in your log books
Download the RYA POWERBOAT Course descriptions from the RYA Website. This covers descriptions, order of porgressions, requirements, age and experience