Safety boats
We have two rigid inflatable boats (ribs) named: Doug Smyth and Fergus. These are used primarily for safety boat duties, but also for attaining RYA Powerboat Level 1 (PB1), Powerboat Level 2 (PB2) and Safety Boat (SB) qualifications
Link to Training/RYA Powerboat and Safety Boat:
Power boats
We have two power boats named: Rosy and Searover. Searover has a bow ramp to facilitate wheelchair users
Sailing boats
Hansa 303
We have seven of these great little two-person keelboats, named: Freedom (blue), Freemew (green), Free Spirit (red), Pinky (pink), Purply (purple, Sunny (yellow) and Santa's Surprise (blue/white). They are good introductory sailing boats, irrespective of disability, that were specifically developed with disabled sailors in mind. They are easily manoeuvred and virtually uncapsizable. Servo-assisted mainsheet and steering can be fitted, allowing sailors with limited mobility to have the opportunity to be able to sail single-handed. They are ideal where one-to-one tuition is required, and also a great favourite with younger sailors who can achieve a level of freedom and independence not normally possible on land. They are perfectly balanced when sailed single-handed, or by two full sized adults. A very relaxing and comfortable boat to sail.
Hawk 20
We have three of these keelboats, named: Alexander, Arica and Tamarind.